Norms Simplified for Studying in Australia – A Summary

Norms Simplified for Studying in Australia – A Summary

Norms Simplified for Studying in Australia – A Summary

From July 1st, 2016 applicants applying for Australian student visas will have to worry less about the application process. This is because the process for applying for students’ visa is now "simplified” and "streamlined”. The change that has been brought in by the Department of Immigration, Australia and the change is being referred to as SSVF or Simplified Student Visa Framework. Changes have been effected and it is being assumed that these changes would make the entire student visa application process for students seeking admission into educational institutes in Australia much easier and hassle free.

The sections below help us to delve deeper into these changes.

Introduction of New Student Subclass 500 Visa

As per the new rules, study in Australia would be simplified because this would entail a reduction of student visa subclasses Australia to two from eight, which would be less cumbersome. Aside from that the SSVF would help in setting up an immigration framework that would be applicable for all overseas students applying for the visa. Just as there would be reduction in subclasses, it also means that there would be implementation of Subclass 500 Student Visa.

Other important changes that would result from SSVF include Onshore Lodgement that is applicable for all students under the condition that these students that are applying have not been prohibited visas. Changes related to 8202 "Maintain Enrolment” would also be in effect after the introduction of SSVF on July 1st, 2016. Prior to proceeding further, however, it is essential to understand what Onshore Lodgement actually is.

Onshore Lodgement for All Students

As per the present scenario, a student visa Australia can be applied for only under certain conditions that requires the visa to be applied for only from within Australia provided applicant is holding a student visa/the applicant is considered to be at the Assessment Level 1 or the lowest risk level. After the introduction of SSVF, it will be easier for a student to apply for a student visa that will enable him to make the transition from a working holiday visa to a student visa. The best part is the applicant is not required to leave Australia to apply for the student visa.

Simplification of English and Financial Requirements

Until July 1st, 2016, the Assessment Level alongside Streamlined Visa Processing or SVP was predominant. But the same will be forsaken and instead risk level will be ascertained on the basis of the risk level of the education provider and also the applicant’s country of passport.

English Requirement

Under the conditions of English Requirement, an applicant will have to undertake test of English Language unless he belongs to the low risk category. However, applicants will not be required to take the test provided he holds a passport of Ireland, New Zealand, Canada, UK, and USA, apart from fulfilling few other conditions.

Financial Requirement

That you are financially stable has to be proved with certain documents and proof. These include providing details about living expenses, travel costs, expenses incurred in the course curriculum, and level of income of the guardian or the spouse. Alternatively, you can furnish details of scholarship, if you have taken loan from a financial institute, and deposit account details with a financial institution.

Income Requirement

As per SSVF, changes have been introduced and currently, the applicant is required to provide income proof that include valid government document. However, requirements might differ for applicants from countries with low per capita income.

Genuine Temporary Entrant

The Immigration authorities have the right to question the applicant about the relevance of the course into which the applicant wants to enroll and its relevance to the family background of the student. The application of the student can get rejected if the officials at the Immigration department are not convinced enough that the applicant has come to Australia for a temporary period.

Changes to 8202 "Maintain Enrolment" Condition

As per the new norms of SSVF, a student that intends to switch to a lower course will not be allowed to do so. A student that has applied for a course will be able to complete his education/module only at the same level applied for or higher. This is in sharp contrast to what it was prior to the introduction of SSVF.


In a nut shell, the new SSVF norms would make the students’ visa application process much hassle free particularly for the applicants that belong to the low risk level. Also, the arrangement for student visas will be less cumbersome. Last but not the least; Onshore lodgement is immensely beneficial for the applicants.

Call to Action

If you want to know more about the Simplified Student Visa Framework or SSVF, you can contact the experts at XL Migration Education to guide you in the right direction.

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